
Lastec Introduces New Sales Director for U.S. Operations

Lastec, the global manufacturer of residential and commercial turf equipment headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, is pleased to introduce Ryan Cheek…

6 years ago

Design Concept Chosen For Boca National Golf Course

Boca National Golf Course will feature an 18-hole course with a nine-hole short course, driving range, new clubhouse and a…

6 years ago

Penn State Creates Model Nutrient Management Plan for Bay Drainage Golf Courses

Lost Creek Golf Club in Juniata County is unusual because a high quality, extremely productive wild trout stream runs through…

6 years ago

A Fond Farewell for the TOUR’s Green Grass Guru

Few acts of nature take place in a cover of solitude quite like the growing of grass and maintaining of…

6 years ago

Divanem® Nematicide from Syngenta now Registered in California

Broad-spectrum control of turf nematodes including root-knot, lance and sting Enhanced root growth and drought tolerance on greens, tees and…

6 years ago

Little GOBBLERs Program Supports 310 Families at Thanksgiving

SOLitude Lake Management is proud to announce that the company served a record number of families through the Little GOBBLERs…

6 years ago

No timetable to reopen Bay Point Golf Club

PANAMA CITY BEACH, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - Golf season is usually never-ending at Bay Point Golf Club, but the last few months…

6 years ago

Suzy Whaley Elected 41st President Of The PGA Of America

Delegates at 102nd PGA Annual Meeting Vote Jim Richerson as Vice President, John Lindert as Secretary Whaley Becomes First Woman to Serve…

6 years ago

Syngenta Introduces Provaunt WDG Insecticide With Enhanced Mixing For Turf Pest Control

Provaunt® WDG insecticide delivers powerful protection against ABW, crane flies, mole crickets, armyworms and more Water-dispersible granule formulation offers enhanced…

6 years ago