
California company will manage Alameda’s Chuck Corica Golf Complex

A California-based golf course management company has been chosen to refurbish Alameda’s Chuck Corica Golf Complex.

The city now has 45 days to draw up a contract with Greenway Golf of Stevinson in Merced County or the job will revert to the current course operator, Kemper Sports of Illinois.

The council’s unanimous decision came after a lengthy public hearing during which speakers praised Greenway for its environmentally friendly practices in course construction and operation.

Tuesday’s decision was almost five years in the making. Discussions over the future of the course included a proposal by developer Ron Cowan to build homes on a portion of the complex site. That plan was rejected by the council.

Both firms submitted extensive proposals on how to make the course profitable by fixing current problems and attracting more golfers.

Alameda City Manager John Russo acknowledged the lengthy process before the council began hearing from the public.

“This has been looked over in every direction,” he said.

Greenway has offered the city $3.4 million on rent over the next 10 years and more than $6 million in improvements to the golf complex. Kemper offered a higher amount of rent with a small financial commitment to course improvements.

The main difference between the two firm’s plans included Kemper’s offer to improve on the complex’s current amenities versus Greenway’s proposal to completely renovate the south course

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