Now that we are digging into our winter months, we begin to put more focus on sunlight and shadows. With the current sunrise, sunset time, along with the angle of the sun, we are receiving about 11 1/2 hours of light a day. We will continue to lose nearly 2 minutes a day for another 2 weeks before we begin to gain more sunlight during the day.
That being said, our tifeagle grasses thrive on 5-6 hours of sunlight a day. Because some of our tees are directly against the property line, this time of year can be difficult to unsure the turfgrass receives enough sunlight. We take any chance we can get to open up areas to enhance the opportunity for light to penetrate surrounding foliage. Much like last winter, today we began thinning out the growth behind #10 Championship tee. This time of year, the back 1/3 of this tee receives 2-3 hours of sunlight, thus making it very difficult to have healthy turfgrass.
Also, with the anticipation of the cold weather over the next few mornings, we applied several products to our tifeagle to hold it’s color over the next few days. This will ensure that when temperatures return to normal, will will have healthy, active turfgrass.