
BioHaven Floating Islands Technology Overview FREE Webinar

With so much interest generated from our October webinar and also since quite a few of you were unable to attend that session but wanted to, we are pleased to offer a “repeat” session. Again this webinar will provide the latest update and overview of the BioHaven Floating Island Technology and the various applications that you may have a need for. This is a FREE webinar and it will be held, Friday, December 6th at 11am EST.

This webinar will include:

BioHaven Floating Islands technology (Floating Treatment Wetlands)
Stormwater BMP
Rural wastewater lagoon solution
Habitat & structural island solutions
Leviathan – adding circulation to increase results
Fisheries enhancement
BioCoral – increasing surface area
BioSwale – “in ditch” treatment
Living Shoreline – alternative to conventional solutions
Our intention is to make this webinar practical and effective and we encourage anyone working in improving water quality, creating habitat, enhancing fisheries and or preserving shorelines to attend.

To join this free webinar, send an email requesting “log on” information to: [email protected].

You can invite as many others as you like, but they must also send a request for “log on” information. Each “log on” is unique and they will not be able to use yours.

Please note – you must have the “log on” information that is provided by the webinar software ilinc. About 24 hours prior to the session, you will get an email from the ilinc software that will provide you with your unique “log on” information. If you have any questions, please call us at (888) 660-3473.

For ilinc technical support, please call (800) 799-4510.

FREE Webinar

BioHaven Floating Islands
Technology Overview

Friday, December 6th
at 11:00am EST

Submit your request to join this free webinar to: [email protected]
24 hours prior to the webinar, you will receive the log on information and password to join this free webinar. For ilinc technical support, please call (800) 799-4510.

BioHaven® Floating Islands biomimic nature and provide a “concentrated wetland effect” that can help solve many environmental problems challenging our water and wildlife. Unlike natural or constructed wetlands, they can be launched in any depth of water and are unaffected by varying water levels.

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