
Bear Trace at Harrison Bay Honored with Governor’s Environmental Pursuit of Excellence Award

We just received some great news that the golf course has been awarded the Pursuit of Excellence Award from the State of Tennessee Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards program. This award is presented to previous winners of the GESA, which we were fortunate to receive in 2009, who have continued to implement programs and improve their environmental stewardship activities.

2012 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards Announced
Individuals, Organizations and Projects Honored for Achievements
NASHVILLE … Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau announced the winners of the 2012 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards today. The 11 winners will be recognized for their achievements and positive impact on the state’s natural resources in an awards ceremony to be held in Nashville on August 24.

“From implementing innovative new technology to environmentally friendly building practices to community members simply supporting one another, the honorees announced today once again demonstrate that Tennessee businesses, local governments, schools and everyday citizens are committed to healthier and more sustainable communities,” Haslam said.

Complete 2012 GESA Winners Press Release

I am very proud of all my staff members who help are dedicated and involved in the environmental programs we are undertaking at The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay. It has always been our goal with our Environmental Partnership Initiative to balance the needs of the golf course with the needs of the wildlife which call the property home in such a way that one can not tell the two apart. With our turkey feeders, our blue bird trail, the naturalized areas around the course, and our good Bald Eagle friends, Elliott and Eloise, we feel we are accomplishing our goal everyday.

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