February 19, 2015 – To arm superintendents with the information they’ll need to manage their courses in an increasingly complex business environment, Environmental Science, a division of Bayer CropScience, will introduce new solutions and interactive experiences for superintendents at the 2015 Golf Industry Show in San Antonio.
“The challenges of managing a golf course aren’t getting any easier for superintendents,” said David Wells, golf business manager for the Bayer turf and ornamentals business. “In many cases, they’re being asked to take on responsibilities that go way beyond turf management. Our goal is to do everything possible to create a phenomenal customer experience for them, which includes helping them harness the information they need to succeed in the years ahead.”
Consistent with that commitment, the Backed By Bayer Experience (booth #7081) will focus on the promise of delivering innovative solutions, plant health expertise, world-class technical support and timely educational information to superintendents. As part of this interactive booth experience, Bayer will offer new resources including an exciting living turf display where superintendents can learn more about plant health from the Bayer Green Solutions Team, and a live bee observation hive – part of the Bayer Bee Care program. Superintendents can visit the My Bayer Rewards café to enjoy free refreshments and sign up to receive the comprehensive Bayer Golf Solutions guide, and they can even kick back and watch golf movie classics in the booth lounge area. Booth visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the newest innovation from Bayer – Signature Xtra – a new formulation anticipated to launch in Q3 2015, pending EPA approval.
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Green Start Academy program, Bayer will host a special Green Start Academy and Healthy Turf, Healthy Tomorrow reception from 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15. In addition to celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Green Start Academy, Bayer will announce the third inaugural Plant Health Academy class.
“This an especially exciting year for us – with so much to celebrate with our friends and industry partners,” Wells said. “Green Start Academy is a fantastic program for the development of assistant superintendents that truly underscores what we mean by ’the Backed By Bayer Experience,’ and our commitment to elevate and equip the next generation of leaders to succeed and grow the industry.”
To celebrate the dependability superintendents receive from both Specticle and their course dog, attendees will be invited to vote for the Specticle Loyal Companion Photo Contest winner. Public voting will continue online through March 13. The grand prize winner will be announced on March 16, and will receive a $5,000 donation to a local animal shelter in his or her name, 40 bags of Specticle G to treat landscape and natural areas and the chance to be featured with his/her course dog in a Bayer golf ad that will be published in industry magazines and other media in 2016.
Original: http://www.statewideturfequipment.com/bayer-cropscience-unveils-gis-offerings/#sthash.Z8Wgz2bp.dpuf