Golf Course Superintendent and General Manager of the Boiling Springs Golf Club in Woodward, Oklahoma, Jeff Wagner might have walked into every...
Caddyshack is one of my all-time favorite movies, as it is for most golf course superintendents, but the image of Carl Spackler...
When golf course managers plan out trenching projects, it’s best to select equipment that’s the right size for maximum productivity. Large, chain-driven...
My name is Martin Sternberg and I was born in Sweden, right into a family of golf geeks and entrepreneurs, since generations....
For golf course superintendents, water tends to be too scarce or too abundant, or ironically, it can be both at the same...
Are you good with multiple-choice questions? Try this one. The word ‘excelsior’ means: (a) a Star Trek starship; (b) a famous poem;...
How did you get your start in the golf industry? I was working in the lawn care industry in Michigan and was... it curiosity or persistence, we prefer to call it innovation ...applying new materials to proven products for longer life, improved appearance...
The relationship between golf courses and bridges goes beyond the need for functional structures to span water, wetlands, gulches, roadways or naturalized...
Although they are one of the most important features on a golf course—at times quite critical—restroom facilities are often one of the...