Eagle Golf, a Dallas-based golf course management company, announced a new partnership with The Hispanic Golf Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to...
The golf courses of Pebble Beach are now being irrigated only with recycled water, said officials with the Carmel Area Wastewater District....
Nature Bridges (www.naturebridges.com), one of the nation’s prominent bridge builders, announced today that it has completed a pedestrian boardwalk at the College...
(FORT WORTH, Texas) … Escalante Golf … owner and operator of luxury golf properties … has acquired the stock and assets of...
After nearly five months and over 200,000 combined votes since the launch of Rain Bird’s Intelligent Use of Water® Awards program, the...
When they say you’re lighting it up on the golf course, that usually refers to great sub-par scoring. However, as of May...
PCC Realty LLC, which is controlled by the owners of Pinehurst Resort, today announced that it will not reopen the newly-acquired Pit...
Toccoa City Commissioners unanimously approved Monday a new lease agreement for the property, putting everything in place for a new group to...
Highland Park Mayor Michael Belsky met recently with newly elected U.S. Rep. Robert Dold to reiterate the city’s support for a nine-hole...
Water problems have plagued the Pebble Lake Golf Course in recent seasons, and this spring is no exception. With high water concerns...