At the Golf Industry Show in San Diego, attendees can register to win a year’s lease on the new AIR2GO Value Pack—a three-component pack with the AIR2G2 324 air injection machine, AIR2HP handheld tool, and AIR2GO shuttle trailer. Register at the GT AirInject Booth #3817 during the two-day tradeshow, Wednesday, February 6 – Thursday, February 7.
During the GIS, special at-show pricing on the on the AIR2GO Value Pack for orders placed at the Golf Industry Show save $2,000 off of MSRP.
Included in the AIR2GO Value Pack:
- AIR2G2 324: The award-winning air injection AIR2G2 324 powered by AIR2G2’s air injection process to relieve compaction, increase porosity and force gas exchange.
- AIR2GO: The all-new AIR2GO shuttle trailer with locking mechanisms to quickly and easily load and unload the AIR2G2 324. The AIR2GO shuttle trailer allows for safe, convenient transport to the next treatment site. There’s even a convenient mount for the AIR2HP handheld tool.
- AIR2HP: The flexible and easy to use AIR2HP handheld tool maneuvers in small spaces, around tree roots, shrubs and flowers, as well as drain fields and sand traps, or to spot-treat problem areas.
Benefits of the AIR2GO Value Pack:
• Fast load & unload
• One crew member can do it all
• Treat then move quickly between treatment sites
• Safely transport around your facility
• Hooks to any standard hitch, on a cart or truck
• Mounts & safety latches, custom-designed for the AIR2G2 324 & AIR2HP
• Saves time, saves money
• Gets more done faster!
Promotion Terms and Conditions
No purchase necessary. Need not be present to win. Promotion is for domestic, Continental U.S. golf courses only. Entrants must be registered attendees at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego between February 6th and 7th, 2019. Entrants must fit the job description of superintendent, golf course owner, general manager or similar. Vendors at the show, course workers, staff, family members or licensed distributors of the GT AirInject are not eligible to enter. One entry per person. A one-year free use of an AIR2GO Value Pack (AIR2G2 324, AIR2HP, AIR2GO Shuttle Trailer). Shipping and delivery of the Value Pack included. Normal wear and tear acceptable, unusual wear and tear or damages are responsibility of winning facility. Delivery dates and logistics will be determined upon conversations with the winner. Entry forms available in Booths 3816 and 3817 at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego, February 6th and 7th, 2019. Entries must be filled out and deposited in the entry box in Booth 3817 before 4:25 pm on February 7th. No other means of entry are allowed. Winners will be selected at an in-booth drawing at 4:30 pm on February 7, 2019. Need not be present to win. Winners will be notified by phone and/or email no later than February 28, 2019. Entrants to contest allow for Opt-In of GT AirInect and its licensed distributors to add their contact information to mailing lists, emails, and other promotional outreach methods. By entering, the winner gives permission to use his/her name, company name, and likeness for promotional use in ads, emails, website, social media or other promotional methods. See booth for full details. GT AirInejct, 136 Ellis Road North, Jacksonville, FL 32254, (904) 379-2243, is the sponsor of this promotion.