
Arizona team wins 27th John Deere World Championship

The historic Greenbrier Resort in Sulfur Springs, W.VA was the stage for an all-American team to take home the win at the 27th annual John Deere World Championship. Bragging rights went to Shawn Emerson, Mike Scully and Bob Jones of Desert Mountain Golf Club, Scottsdale, Ariz., and David O’Malley of John Deere Financial, Johnston, Iowa, who won following a close two-hole shoot-out.

“It was a perfect week for some networking, teamwork and healthy competition as we approach 2014,” said Cory Niehaus, tournament director. Superintendents and managers from the best courses on Earth joined us and our Greenbrier hosts were exceptional.”

The World Championship allows golf course maintenance professionals from all over the world to join their colleagues and John Deere personnel for teambuilding out on a course other than their own. This year’s tournament included 208 golfers from seven different countries with competition fierce during all four flights of the event.

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