Earlier this month our course was awarded the inaugural Aquatrols Conservation Award for the wildlife habitat management programs we have undertaken over the years on the golf course. We are very grateful to Aquatrols for this award and for the recognition of our environmental stewardship projects. It is our belief that golf course management and environmental stewardship go hand in hand and in all honesty it just makes the job more fun and interesting.
I would like to thank Mr. Steve Fasano of Aquatrols for being so gracious in his comments and his time in presenting us with the Conservation Award. Each year Aquatrols sponsors the Golf Course Industry magazine Super Social Media Awards at the annual Golf Industry Show. The Super Social Media awards are presented to golf courses for their use of twitter, blogs, videos, and other forms of media which get the word out of all the great work being done on their course.
Whether it is our Harrison Bay Eagle Cam project or our Mallard Duck Nesting Tubes or our Wild Turkey Feeders or our wood duck boxes or Establishing Native Grass Areas they are all done to enhance the golf course, to provide nesting and brooding areas and to help promote the fact that golf courses can be, and are, safe and suitable habitats for a multitude of birds and wildlife.
It has been a busy winter with many improvements made to the course and we are ready to get going with the growing season. It seems quite early but Spring has sprung at Harrison Bay with the trees blooming and the greens coming out of dormancy. We hope this is the start to a great golfing season for all and we hope all will come out and enjoy the great weather and all the hard work that we will be putting into the course.