
AQUA-AID hires Brian Daniel (Feb 10)

February 10, 2015 – AQUA–AID has announced the hiring of Brian Daniel, CGCS, as western U.S. territory manager effective immediately. Daniel has extensive experience in the turf management industry over the past 30 years. He was a golf course superintendent for over 25 years and worked as a territory manager as well as a manufacturer’s representative for the past five years. Daniel has been involved in the West Texas and Lone Star chapters of the GCSAA as well as helping Texas Tech University start a turfgrass program.

“Brian brings a wealth of real world experience to our team,” said Sam Green, director of business development for AQUA–AID stated, We believe that with his background and knowledge he will offer a high level of service and performance to our distributors and end users to continue to grow our product lines.”

Daniel attended Texas Tech and will continue to reside in Lubbock, Texas, with his wife.


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