

Syngenta is inviting top golf course superintendents in the United States to apply to attend the Syngenta Business Institute, an innovative professional business development program. The Syngenta Business Institute was developed specifically for the golf course superintendent in conjunction with Wake Forest University.

The unique, four-day program includes areas like financial management, human resource management, negotiating, impact hiring and other leadership professional development skills. The program will supplement and complement your existing knowledge base to help you be more productive and efficient for the golf course you manage.

The Syngenta Business Institute will be held Nov. 29 through Dec. 2 at Graylyn International Conference Center on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Any superintendent applying must fill out an application, which includes a 250-word essay on why you believe you should be selected for the Syngenta Business Institute. The application is due Wednesday, Sept. 8, and 25 superintendents will be selected.

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