
American Coolair Purchases New Manufacturing Equipment

American Coolair Corp. has purchased two pieces of manufacturing equipment to improve efficiency and increase product quality.

American Coolair has installed a Lincoln Robotic Welding Cell and a Parmigiani forming machine to increase the company’s capabilities in the manufacturing of ventilation systems for poultry, swine, dairy, greenhouse and golf industries.

“Even during difficult economic times, American Coolair is committed to invest in areas that will produce better products at competitive prices for our customers,” American Coolair President Harry Graves said.

The Lincoln Robotic Welding Cell can be loaded from both ends of the machine which allows one station to be loaded with un-welded parts while the other station’s parts are being welded. It has cut welding time per assembly by as much as 50 percent.

The Parmigiani is a four-roll forming machine that is designed to roll cylinders, concentric centrifugal fan scrolls and other complex shapes without deviating in size.

Founded in 1928, American Coolair Corporation is a manufacturer of ventilation and evaporative cooling systems for the poultry, swine, dairy, greenhouse and golf industries. For more information, call 904-389-3646, write P.O. Box 2300, Jacksonville, FL 32203, or e-mail: [email protected].

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