
AJGA partners with TGA Premier Junior Golf

The American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) announces a partnership with TGA Premier Junior Golf (TGA) in an effort to grow the game by providing TGA members opportunities to gain exposure to the highest level of junior competition through volunteering at AJGA events.

The Junior All-Star at Forest Lake presented by Tom Holzer Ford in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., August 5 – 8 will kick off the partnership, which will revolve around local AJGA tournaments. TGA participants and families will volunteer at events, be part of junior clinics given by AJGA players and learn more about AJGA players and their progression.

“The AJGA is proud to partner with TGA to continue our mission of developing golf’s next generation,” said Jason Etzen, AJGA chief business officer. “This opportunity gives even more junior golfers the dream of taking their golf career to the collegiate level and beyond.”

The AJGA also will promote opportunities for its junior members to work locally with TGA programs in schools and camps. Members will be able to earn community service hours as part of their AJGA Leadership Links profile.

“Golf is considered a sport of opportunity. When TGA introduces youth and their families to golf, one of our jobs is to show the students and parents we serve where they can take their golfing career,” said Joshua Jacobs, founder and CEO of TGA Premier Junior Golf. “Through our partnership with the AJGA, we get to do just that, while becoming another feeder system to help guide kids to the next level.”

The partnership will also include an AJGA financial contribution to the TGA Sports Foundation to benefit local chapters.

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