
What’s new at Reelcraft?

NEW Reel Configurator!
Reelcraft’s new reel configurator allows us to quickly and accurately quote our large frame reels. Simply answer a few questions about your reel needs and the configurator can instantly quote your reel. It will also create a sales drawing, 3D model and a bill of material that can be sent out for your review. The new configurator allows for shorter leads times for our large frame reels and increases the accuracy of the available combinations of reel options.

LPG Hose Reels
Reelcraft’s custom engineered and built Series 3900 LPG hose reels are gear-drive or chain and sprocket drive powered by explosion-proof A.C. or D.C. electric motor, compressed air motor or hydraulic motor. The heavy gauge steel construction offers maximum durability and long service life. All Series 3900 LPG hose reels include a Full Circle® UL approved swivel. The baked-on powder coat finish is applied in componenent form for maximum coverage and corrosion-resistance. Also available in aluminum construction.

Custom Engineered Reels
Reelcraft’s engineered products group custom builds reels to your specifications. Our special engineered products are developed for demanding applications in areas such as marine, military, aviation, hydroseeding, sewer and well cleaning, offshore oil rigs, robotic cable and much more. We offer flexibility, competitive pricing and a lasting commitment to excellence. For more than 20 years, Reelcraft’s engineered products group has produced custom products to meet individualized requirements.

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