
Growth Products Hires New Technical Rep In Your Area

Growth Products, Ltd. is pleased to announce the hiring of Allen Ball to its staff of technical sales representatives. Allen’s hiring is effective immediately, and his sales territory encompasses the South Central states.

“We are extremely pleased to have Allen as part of the Growth Products team,” said Clare Reinbergen, the company’s president. “His wide-ranging experiences in the Green Industry, from Golf Courses to Greenhouses, make him well-suited for his new position. We’re confident that he is a perfect fit for the company as it continues to grow.”

Allen graduated from Tarleton State University in Texas with a BS degree in Animal Science, and a minor in Chemistry. Prior to his hiring at Growth Products, Allen worked for Plant Health Care until it was recently acquired by Lebanon. With thirty years’ of experience in wholesale and retail distribution of fertilizer, seed and chemicals to the Lawn and Garden, Farm store, Greenhouse and Golf Course business, he has a wealth of experiences to assist our customers.

Growth Products, Ltd., “The Liquid Solutions Company,” is the leading manufacturer of slow released liquid nitrogen fertilizers, chelated micronutrients, natural organics, microbial inoculants, and a biological fungicide. Incorporated in 1984, Growth Products, Ltd. is focused on the development of innovative, environmentally sound products for the Green Industry.

For more information about Growth Products contact Allen at 281-415-6925 or email him at

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