
New Pest Bird and Wildlife Control Catalog

Nixalite just released a new catalog filled with products, tips and tricks for controlling birds and wildlife.

Featuring over 40 new products, Nixalite offers professional grade equipment for most any bird and wildlife control need. Learn about our new, more effective bird hazing equipment, foggers or our new line of wildlife exclusion products for the regulation of wildlife from the course to the clubhouse.

Protect property from pest wildlife through a variety of deterrents and repelling products from Nixalite. Deer Blocker fencing and Fog Force repellent, along with a large selection of different bird spikes and netting are some options to effectively prevent nuisance animals from damaging golf courses. To aid in the professional installation of Nixalite’s products, see our new tools and accessories as well as tips and success stories from installation sites.

Be sure to check out the new interactive catalog for quick, convenient access to our product listings here:

Nixalite has been providing effective and humane bird and wildlife control products for pest and wildlife control professionals around the world since 1950. For more information or to request your FREE catalog, please call 800-624-1189 or visit

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