Golf Course

Toro Enters Long-Term Agreement with City of San Diego, Torrey Pines Golf Course

The Toro Company, alongside their distributor, Turf Star, has finalized a 12-year equipment and tournament support agreement with the City of San Diego and Torrey Pines Golf Course.

The agreement comes ahead of a number of important events that will take place at Torrey Pines in the near future, including the 2017 Farmers Insurance Open, which will be held at the end of January and is the seventh most popular golf event in terms of television viewership. The 2021 U.S. Open will also be held at Torrey Pines and played a major factor in the decision to move forward with the long-term agreement.

Left to Right: Joe Guerra with Turf Star, Scott Bentley with The City of San Diego, Mark Marney with The City of San Diego, Randy Harris with The Toro Company, Jim Heinze with The Toro Company, Herman Parker with The City of San Diego, Len Gregory with Turf Star, Doug Dahl with Turf Star.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome of our 12-year agreement with Toro and Turf Star,” said Mark Marney, director of golf operations for the City of San Diego. “Using top-notch Toro equipment, backed by the strong support of the team at Turf Star, allows us to put our best foot forward as we look to host some very important golf events in the next few years.”

Torrey Pines is credited with having a very strong agronomy program, and according to Marney, the complete fleet upgrade to brand-new Toro turf maintenance equipment will help them continue to live up to their reputation.

“Torrey Pines is known far and wide for their commitment to the pristine condition of their courses,” said Joe Guerra, principal and owner of Turf Star. “With this agreement, they have a new fleet golf equipment available to continue raising the bar for regular patrons and professional golfers alike.”

Turf Star has been a Toro distributor for almost 40 years and has locations along the West Coast in California, Oregon and Washington.

“This partnership with the City of San Diego and Torrey Pines is all about helping them deliver outstanding playing conditions for their tournaments and patrons,” said Brad Hamilton, vice president and general manager of Toro’s Commercial Business. “All of us at Toro and Turf Star are honored that the City of San Diego and Torrey Pines put their trust in us and we are committed to rewarding their trust by providing them with innovative product solutions and exceptional customer support for the next 12-years and beyond.”

For more information on the agreement, please direct questions to Toro. To learn more about Toro equipment, please visit Toro’s website. For additional information on Turf Star, please visit Turf Star’s website and to learn more about Torrey Pines, please visit the Torrey Pines website.

About The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf, snow and ground engaging equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. With sales of $2.4 billion in fiscal 2016, Toro’s global presence extends to more than 90 countries. Through constant innovation and caring relationships built on trust and integrity, Toro and its family of brands have built a legacy of excellence by helping customers care for golf courses, landscapes, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties and agricultural fields. For more information, visit

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