
Phoenix Environmental Care Sponsors the Seventh Annual Wee One Golf Outing

Phoenix Environmental Care continues its support of Wee One Foundation as a gold sponsor of the seventh annual Wee One Golf Outing benefiting Wee One Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping golf industry professionals and their families. Phoenix Environmental Care holds the distinction of being the organization’s first corporate sponsor.

Members of Wee One Foundation, and their guests, participate in the annual Wee One Golf Outing to benefit golf industry professionals, and their families, who have experienced catastrophic illness and need financial help to cover expenses. This year, the event will be held on September 20 at Pine Hills Country Club in Sheboygan, Wis.

“Wee One Golf Outing has raised a significant amount of funds over the past six years and we’re hoping for another sell out this year,” said Danny Quast, president, Wee One Foundation. “It’s because of sponsors, like Phoenix Environmental Care, that our foundation is able to help golf industry professionals who have non-reimbursed medical expenses.”

Phoenix Environmental Care has been an active supporter of Wee One Foundation and its annual golf outing since the organization started in 2004 and the company continues to invest in Wee One Foundation and its events.

“Phoenix Environmental Care is committed to supporting the golf industry and those who work in the industry,” said Owen Towne, president, Phoenix Environmental Care. “Sponsoring the Wee One Golf Outing is one of the many ways we do that.”

For more information about Phoenix Environmental Care, please call 1-888-240-8856 or visit

About Phoenix Environmental Care

Phoenix Environmental Care offers turf, ornamental and aquatic professionals improved formulations of the most popular and effective fungicides, herbicides and insecticides at cost-efficient prices. Phoenix Environmental Care is headquartered in Valdosta, Ga. For more information, please call 1-888-240-8856 or visit

About Wee One Foundation

Wee One Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that helps golf industry professionals, and their families, through economic hardships due to illness. The organization has gifted more than $330,000 in Arizona, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin. Wee One Foundation is headquartered in Lemont, Ill. For more information, please visit

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