
Growth Products Announces MicroTech Bloom (5-0-0)! (Feb 5)

February 5, 2016 – Growth Products adds MicroTech Bloom (5-0-0) to its product line-up focusing on four critical micronutrients to induce blooms on citrus and other tropical fruits and vegetables.
MicroTech Bloom (5-0-0) has Calcium, Magesium, Boron and Molybdate plus organics enhancers that produce healthy, abundant blooms. The critical stage for citrus and many other crops including vegetables, is just prior to bloom set. What is applied on your crop at this precise timing can greatly influence crop yield. As with our MicroTech line, Bloom 5-0-0 provides the most direct response from the tree or plant through highly soluble chelated micros that are immediately taken up and utilized by the plant. The organics including Fulvic and Humic acids stimulate the budding process, offer powerful plant response, and help to develop plant hardness and stress resistance while allowing vigorous fruit and vegetable formation.
Highly effective as a foliar spray or soil drench, applied through all types of irrigation or drip systems for fast correction of micronutrient deficiencies. Compatible with most fungicides, insecticides and liquid fertilizers MicroTech Bloom is easily tank mixed.
About Growth Products, Ltd. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, Growth Products has been a pioneer in environmentally-friendly bio-innovations, technically-advanced liquid fertilizers, micronutrients and effective biological control products designed for agriculture, horticulture and turf care for 30 years. Growth Products focuses on the development, manufacturing and marketing of highly effective products that have both soft-chemistries and bio-enhancements for better crop health and yield, and soil remediation. Growth Products has its own sales force with both domestic and international distribution, in over 40 countries around the world.
Product Specification Sheet: MicroTech Bloom (5-0-0)

About Growth Products, Ltd. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, Growth Products has been a pioneer in environmentally-friendly bio-innovations, technically-advanced liquid fertilizers, micronutrients and effective biological control products designed for agriculture, horticulture and turf care for over 30 years. The Growth Products’ focus is the development, manufacturing and marketing of highly effective products that have both soft-chemistries and bio-enhancements for better crop health and yield, and soil remediation. Growth Products has its own sales force with both domestic and international distribution, in over 40 countries around the world.
For more information about Growth Products, please visit

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