Equipment and Maintenance

Research Shows BioSafe Product: ZeroTol 2.0 is Safe on Honey Bees

bees on golf courses

Honey Bee colony collapse has been a major concern over the past several years, and since the exposure to pesticides has been linked to the decline, it’s a concern for manufacturers and suppliers of bactericides and fungicides as well.

Here at BioSafe Systems, where sustainable solutions are a top priority, we are constantly striving to solve real world issues that affect our stakeholders, from our customers and growers, to their customers, and in this case, the far reaching effects of colony collapse disorder.

In May 2015, we initiated a lab study to assess the acute contact toxicity potential of our OMRI listed and EPA approved bactericide, ZeroTol 2.0, to prove that this effective crop solution is also safe to use in the presence of Honey Bees.

This 96 hour toxicity test was conducted by exposing Apis mellifera (Honey Bees) through direct topical application of ZeroTol 2.0 in strict accordance with the EPA guideline 850.3020, and observed at ~4 hours after initial dosing and at 24 hours through 96 hours for mortality and clinical signs of intoxication (ataxia, lethargy, hypersensitivity, etc.).

The conclusions of the study clearly show that BioSafe Systems’ ZeroTol 2.0 is non-toxic and safe on Honey Bees when crops are sprayed at labeled concentrations and bees are actively visiting the treatment area.

Simply Sustainable. Always Effective, and now proven Bee Friendly; just another reason to trust the PAA family of products from BioSafe Systems. For more information and a copy of the StillMeadow, Inc toxicity limit test, please call 1.888.273.3088.

About BioSafe Systems, LLC
BioSafe Systems, LLC has been a manufacturer of sustainable and effective disease and pest control solutions for the Horticultural industry since 1998. They have since expanded into the Agriculture, Animal Health, Post Harvest / Food Safety, Horticulture, Golf / Landscape, Home & Garden, and Aquatics markets.

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