
Husqvarna Group new SVP Sofia Azelsson (Sept 30)

September 30, 2015 – Husqvarna Group has appointed Sofia Axelsson as SVP Group Communications, Brand & Marketing. She will be responsible for a team consisting of Group Staff Corporate Communications and Brand & Marketing. Sofia is member of Group Management, and she will take on her new position as of Oct. 1, 2015.

The aim is to further focus on driving an active and consistent overall communication from the Husqvarna Group targeting its main stakeholders, while capturing synergies and share best practices.

“During the past few years, Sofia Axelsson has built a strong Group Brand & Marketing function which has supported the new brand-driven approach in the company,” said Kai Wärn, president and CEO of Husqvarna Group. “Given the stability in the new Divisional structure and the opportunity to leverage Corporate Communications with the Brand & Marketing function, we have decided to combine these entities under the leadership of Sofia. It will create conditions for synchronizing Group with Divisions and take an even more active role going ahead.”

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