
Wright names 2015 Distributor of the Year (Sept 30)

September 30, 2015 – Wright Manufacturing recently named Outdoor Equipment Distributors, Inc. (OED) of Raleigh, N.C., as its 2015 Distributor of the Year. The award recognizes OED’s outstanding performance as a distributor of Wright’s full line of commercial lawn mowers and accessories.

Established in 1931 as Raleigh Auto Supply, OED is in its third generation of family ownership. It became Outdoor Equipment Distributors in 1969 and has distributed Wright products for 20 years. The distributorship serves more than 500 independent dealers in seven states – North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware – and the District of Columbia.

Hal White, Wright vice president of sales, recently visited OED headquarters in Raleigh and presented the award to OED President Rob Zucker.

Wright Manufacturing invented the stand-on mower in 1997 and now has expanded the line to also include commercial walk-behind and mid-mount zero-turn mowers.

Participating in the Distributor of the Year award presentation are, left to right, Ray Clark, OED vice president of administration; Jim Fenner, OED sales manager; Rob Zucker, OED president; Hal White, Wright vice president of sales; and David Zucker, OED vice president of finance.

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