
Winner of Toro ProCore 648 aerator Announced (Sept 21)

September 21, 2015 – The Toro Company delivered a new Toro ProCore 648 greens aerator to Ryan Inglis, superintendent of Moorhead Country Club in Moorhead, Minn., on Sept. 10, 2015. Inglis was the winner of a Toro contest, which started during the 2015 Golf Industry Show in San Antonio and ran through the end of June.

In an effort to promote the launch of the popular @ToroGolf Twitter handle, Toro invited attendees to register to win Toro’s innovative walk-behind aerator – the ProCore 648. Applicants were required not only to register for the giveaway, but also to follow the Twitter handle @ToroGolf. In just a few months, @ToroGolf has amassed over 2,500 followers and has delivered over 600 tweets to its followers.

“Being selected by Toro as the recipient was an incredible feeling,” Inglis said. “Having a ProCore 648 incorporated into our fleet has truly allowed us to attack the aerating process with an extremely high level of efficiency. We all love the simplicity and efficiency of the unit.”

According to Inglis, Moorhead Country Club has used a variety of aerators over the years, but none compare to ProCore 648 in terms of ease of operation and overall hole quality. The staff at Moorhead looks forward to utilizing the ProCore 648 primarily for fall aerification applications, and the entire team was pleased with the new addition to the fleet. MTI Distributing, a leading distributor of turf equipment to seven states in the Midwest and trusted channel partner of Toro, was responsible for the delivery of the ProCore unit to Inglis and the team at Moorhead Country Club.

“In addition to being able to provide a top-quality product to a great group of folks, the promotion gave us a chance to put the spotlight on our new Twitter property, which aims to provide meaningful and relevant information to professionals in the industry,” said Tony Ferguson, senior golf marketing & business development manager at Toro. “We were extremely pleased to deliver the ProCore 648 to the fantastic team at Moorhead Country Club.”

All employees of U.S. and Canadian golf courses were eligible to enter in the random drawing.

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