
GCBAA honoring USGA leader (Sept 15)

September 15, 2015 – The Golf Course Builders Association of America has announced that Jim Moore as its recipient of the prestigious Don A. Rossi Award. Over the course of the last three decades, Moore has worked for the United States Golf Association in a variety of roles aimed at refining and improving golf course construction practices and standards.
“Jim is an advocate for the highest level of golf course construction and renovation standards for the industry and he has dedicated his career to moving the industry forward through education and training,” GCBAA executive director Justin Apel said.

The Rossi award is given by the GCBAA to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the game of golf and its growth and who have inspired others by example. It is named for Don A. Rossi, who served as executive director of the National Golf Foundation from 1970 to 1983, was instrumental in forming the National Golf Course Owners Association and served as executive director of the GCBAA from 1984 to 1990.

Moore is currently the director of the USGA Green Section’s Education Program, where he provides top quality golf course management related information to multiple segments of the golf industry. Previously, Moore served as director of the USGA’s Construction Education program for 16 years where he worked closely with golf course architects, builders and soil testing laboratories to refine construction practices and standards. During this time he developed a wide variety of materials to help golf course superintendents and course officials complete successful construction and renovation projects. The first 12 years of his USGA career were spent as director of the Green Section’s former Mid-Continent Region, making more than 1,000 visits throughout the region. Before joining the USGA, Moore was a golf course superintendent for seven years and completed his superintendent career at Ridgewood Country Club in Waco, Texas. During this time he served as president of the Texas Turfgrass Association.

Moore is also a proud veteran of the United States Air Force. Moore is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a B.S. degree in agronomy and turfgrass Management.

The Don A. Rossi Award will be given at the 2016 Golf Industry Show to be held in San Diego Feb. 9, during the GCBAA Opening Reception at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. For those interested in attending the award presentation, details will be available this winter by visiting, or contact the GCBAA executive office at 402-476-4444.

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