
Northeast distributor hosts open house (Sept 9)

September 9, 2015 – Northeast distributor Steven Willand Inc. hosted its first Little Wonder Monster TruckLoader open house at the Sound Manufacturing plant in Old Saybrook, Conn., where the units are manufactured for Southampton, Pa.-based Little Wonder.

Attending the event were dealers, contractors and municipalities – from New England and upstate New York – who specialize in debris management equipment. Attendees were treated to a factory tour, enjoyed a pig roast lunch, won prizes, and received great limited-time special offers on Little Wonder Monster TruckLoader purchases.

Attendees got to see the full line of Little Wonder Monster TruckLoaders, including an 18-hp. skid-mount unit and 29-, 35- or 36-hp. skid- and trailer-mount units, as well as Little Wonder’s new self-contained truck loader line. The self-contained units are a complete debris management system that includes a truck loader and dedicated container mounted to a road-ready trailer – it’s an all-in-one, easy hitch-and-go system that is ideally suited for landscapers and municipalities.

The big hit of the day was the new Little Wonder Monster 10-yard self-contained TruckLoader with hydraulic lift, which is available with a 35-hp. Briggs & Stratton Vanguard gas or 36-hp. Yanmar diesel engine.

Little Wonder is a brand of Schiller Grounds Care, Inc., which also manufactures BOB-CAT, Classen, Mantis, Ryan and Steiner brand power equipment. Attendees of the open house also got to see a selection of equipment from Schiller’s other brands as well.

To learn more about the Little Wonder Monster TruckLoader line, visit

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