
Husqvarna Group appoints new SVP (Sept 9)

September 9, 2015 – Husqvarna Group announced August 28 that Anders Johanson has been appointed as senior vice president, Technology Office & CTO, and a member of Group Management as of Oct. 1, 2015. He replaces Henric Anderson, who has been appointed president, Construction Division.

Anders Johanson is partner and global practice leader technology and innovation management at Arthur D. Little. In parallel, Anders has held a part-time role as adjunct professor in industrial product development at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, since January 2015.

Anders has an MSc. Chemical Engineering and an MBA from Chalmers University of Technology. “The appointment of Anders Johanson underlines Husqvarna Group’s commitment to continue developing cutting-edge technologies combined with increased product development efficiency and strengthening synergies between the divisions in our Group,” said Kai Wärn, president and CEO of Husqvarna Group.

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