
Jacklin Seed introduces new Kentucky bluegrass (Mar 12)

March 12, 2015 – Jacklin Seed by Simplot is introducing a Kentucky bluegrass this spring that can be mowed as little as once a month, as opposed to the one or two mows per week required by present lawn grass varieties. The new grass – named My Holiday Lawn – can go weeks with that freshly clipped look. Left unmown, it doesn’t look like a tall hay pasture.

My Holiday Lawn is a patent-pending lawn grass developed over 14 years by bluegrass specialist, Dr. Doug Brede. Brede is an award-winning expert on reducing lawn maintenance and is the author of “Turfgrass Maintenance Reduction Handbook,” a guide used by thousands of turf professionals.

When an ordinary lawn grass is mowed infrequently, the plant goes into overdrive, growing tall with lots of stems. When you finally do mow, that new growth is clipped off and all that remains is unsightly, brown stubble, but My Holiday Lawn is different.

My Holiday Lawn has a low-growing canopy and the grass maintains green leaves below the mowing height even when left unmown for weeks. When it is mowed, the new growth is only partially removed, keeping your lawn looking fresh and green, and not brown and stemmy like ordinary lawn grass.

“The really good news is that in addition to its compact canopy, My Holiday Lawn is beautiful turf,” Brede said, “It will likely be the most attractive lawn on the block. You’ll enjoy less mowing, along with a lush, fine leaved, dark green stand of pest resistant grass.”

Less mowing and little upkeep, My Holiday Lawn is just what lawn owners have asked for.

My Holiday Lawn can currently be sourced from turfgrass sod producers. Sodding helps create a pure My Holiday Lawn stand. It can be used on golf course roughs, school yards, residential construction, home lawns and anywhere attractive looking turf along with significantly reduced mowing costs is advantageous.

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